Rick Anderson performs memorized Scripture dramas in "period" dress, using the full text of Scripture of the KJV and NKJV: "Isaiah the Prophet" (selected passages), "Paul to the Galatians" (Book of Galatians), "The Heart of Paul" (II Corinthians), "A Hebrew Recites Hebrews" (Book of Hebrews), and "Paul to the Romans" (Book of Romans).
Rev. Rick Anderson was born and raised in a Conservative Jewish family, and was educated in Hebrew parochial school and became a "bar-mitzvah" at age thirteen. He later graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary. Rev. Anderson has been blessed with an incredible memory and a passion for bringing the Scriptures to life for Christians through dramatic re-enactments. He offers a unique ministry by dramatically acting out large portions of Scripture from memory. He also has a unique ministry explaining the ancient Jewish feasts in a Christian context, as well as bringing the gospel to Jews and others through street preaching, direct evangelism, and his own onine radio show. His knowledge of Scripture and Jewish culture are being used to educate, motivate, and equip the Church to share the gospel with Jewish people. To see how we compare with other outreach ministries to Jews, see our right-most page entitled "More".
He became an ordained minister in the Orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church and is a senior missionary for CHAIM Ministry to the Jewish People (www.chaim.org). He's also Associate Pastor at Stratford Presbyterian Church in NJ (www.stratfordpres.org) and preaches in the pulpit most Sunday evenings.
Rev. Anderson also specializes in funeral and bereavement councelling and is on-call at 100 area funeral homes in greater Philadelphia, PA and central NJ for services, bereavement councelling and grave-site visits. Funeral directors: go to the page entitled "More", and access the drop-down menu.
Rev. Rick Anderson was born and raised in a Conservative Jewish family, and was educated in Hebrew parochial school and became a "bar-mitzvah" at age thirteen. He later graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary. Rev. Anderson has been blessed with an incredible memory and a passion for bringing the Scriptures to life for Christians through dramatic re-enactments. He offers a unique ministry by dramatically acting out large portions of Scripture from memory. He also has a unique ministry explaining the ancient Jewish feasts in a Christian context, as well as bringing the gospel to Jews and others through street preaching, direct evangelism, and his own onine radio show. His knowledge of Scripture and Jewish culture are being used to educate, motivate, and equip the Church to share the gospel with Jewish people. To see how we compare with other outreach ministries to Jews, see our right-most page entitled "More".
He became an ordained minister in the Orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church and is a senior missionary for CHAIM Ministry to the Jewish People (www.chaim.org). He's also Associate Pastor at Stratford Presbyterian Church in NJ (www.stratfordpres.org) and preaches in the pulpit most Sunday evenings.
Rev. Anderson also specializes in funeral and bereavement councelling and is on-call at 100 area funeral homes in greater Philadelphia, PA and central NJ for services, bereavement councelling and grave-site visits. Funeral directors: go to the page entitled "More", and access the drop-down menu.
"Rick’s presentation was part of our annual Harvest Meal and it was a full house. After he gave a very helpful introduction to Paul and the backstory of Galatians, Rick launched into his recitation. The entire audience of young and old alike was in rapt attention as we were creatively engaged by the powerful Word of God reverently and skillfully proclaimed. Entertaining as it was, I would liken it much more to the delivery of a great sermon than to an evening’s “entertainment.” The ministry was well received and the congregation was richly blessed. Whether it is the Galatians text or any other of the number of texts he can “perform” in character, I highly recommend Rick’s program to any church holding a special event for any or all ages in their congregation"
Rev. Ken Klett, Senior Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Holland, MI
Rev. Ken Klett, Senior Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Holland, MI
"Rev Rick Anderson has visited Stratford Classical Christian Academy several times with his 'Scriptures Dramatized!' program. Our students and teachers have been greatly encouraged in the Lord each time. Don't pass this opportunity to hear His Word proclaimed with passion and purity."
Sidney Henriquez, Headmaster, Stratford Classical Christian Academy, Stratford, NJ
Sidney Henriquez, Headmaster, Stratford Classical Christian Academy, Stratford, NJ
"Rev. Rick Anderson's memorized knowledge of the messianic passages of the prophet Isaiah were a real encouragement to the rest of us during our last evangelistic street campaign in Philadelphia. He broadcasted to four street corners at Broad and Snyder Ave. using a lapel sound system. That definitely got peoples' attention, and helped in our overall witness to them."
Mark Grasso, Elder of Crossroads Community Church, Upper Darby, PA/Director of "Streets and Alleys", an urban ministry of Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship (PEF)
Mark Grasso, Elder of Crossroads Community Church, Upper Darby, PA/Director of "Streets and Alleys", an urban ministry of Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship (PEF)
"Rev. Anderson's Isaiah presentation was amazing. It really made God's word come alive for me, and I'm sure it did for other students too, when he visited our class."
Gabrielle Flynn, student at Bethel Prep, a ministry of Gloucester County Community Church, Sewell, NJ.
"The recitation of Galatians was inspiring. The dramatic presentation made Paul come alive. Our students were enraptured with the time you gave to share Paul's heart with us. It was a blessing to our whole school. My children were also encouraged with the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts through scripture memory. Thank you so much!"
Janet Barker, principle at New Covenant Christian School, Abingdon. MD: a ministry of New Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Gabrielle Flynn, student at Bethel Prep, a ministry of Gloucester County Community Church, Sewell, NJ.
"The recitation of Galatians was inspiring. The dramatic presentation made Paul come alive. Our students were enraptured with the time you gave to share Paul's heart with us. It was a blessing to our whole school. My children were also encouraged with the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts through scripture memory. Thank you so much!"
Janet Barker, principle at New Covenant Christian School, Abingdon. MD: a ministry of New Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA)