Years ago, I talked with a rabbi about Isaiah chapter 53, when I mentioned that that chapter seemed to be speaking of Jesus prophetically. I remember the rabbi's response: "After 2000 years, what difference does it really make?" At the time, I had had no response, but what I THOUGHT of saying was "Well, for one thing, it means we've been WRONG for 2000 years!" But being raised Jewish, I wouldn't have talked back to a rabbi like that. This Thursday, we'll review the Book of Isaiah, especially chapter 53 and answer that question "What difference DOES it really make?", especially to the Jewish community, which still considers Isaiah as their prophet. Isaiah's one of the longest books in the Hebrew canon of Scripture - all 66 chapters of it. Though the Synagogue has denied for nearly 2000 years, that Jesus is even remotely referred to in this or in any section of the Hebrew Scriptures, that claim should be challenged. Why does it matter? Tune in and take notes! Your host: Rev. Rick Anderson, on "Jewish Roots" a live Internet podcast, at www.scripturesdramatized.com ; Thursday at 9:30 PM, EDT. To call in with a question or comment: 347-324-5759.