Tip # 1: Memorize the Three "E.E." Diagnostic Questions (7 min/day X 28 days)
Once you do this, you'll have confidence to speak to most people about the Gospel. Dr. D. James Kennedy's "Evangelism Explosion" strategy was to have his people ask certain questions of the prospect, designed to determine where the prospect's confidence was placed. Was it in the finished work of Christ, or his own works and performance? After practicing this 28 days, these will be "hard-wired" into your brain.
First Question
"Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that should you died tonight, that you'd go to the 'Good' place, not the 'Bad" place'. "
[Pause, let them think about it and give you an answer ...]
Second Question
"In other words [person's name], if you stood before God, and He say to you 'Why should I let you into my Heaven, what would you say to Him in that day?"
[Pause, let them think about it and give you an answer ...]
Third Question
"Would you mind if I shared with you what the Scriptures say about this?"
[If prospect says 'yes', pull out your tract or series of Bible verses, and read them together with your prospect.]
Tip #2: Follow the "Ladder Method" for Meeting New People
This technique is helpful in starting conversations with a stranger if you're doing outreach evangelism at community events, malls, public-access street corners, bookstores and parks, beauty salons, etc.
Think of a conversation as the rungs of a ladder. Start the conversation by putting up the first rung. Say something for starters. It could be anything. For example, notice something about the person's clothing or something he's doing and simply make a comment: "Nice sweatshirt. Do you mind if I ask you what you paid for it?"
If he answers with anything more than silence or a clipped response, try another "rung". For example: "That's a great price. But it's amazing what people will pay for clothes these days."
Now, if the prospect puts up the "third rung" by answering in a conversational way, then you answer as well with the "fourth rung" with something that will carry the conversation forward. But if he answers in a clipped way or with a one-word answer, just end the conversation and move on, because he's showing you he's not interested in talking right now. You're not trying to witness to him yet or talk about God; all you're trying to do at this point is see if he's at ease enough to have a conversation. Ladies with ladies and men with men will have the best results with this, generally.
Tip #3: "Follow the "F.O.R.M" Method for Meeting New People
An alternative to the "Ladder" Method is the "Form" Method for meeting new people in evangelism. "F.O.R.M" stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message. Most people are comfortable enough talking about at least one of these things with a stranger. But rather than asking a total stranger about his interests, begin by telling him about yours. Family example: "I noticed your boy's playing with a Power Ranger. My boys are 10 and 12. They can't get enough of Power Rangers." If the prospect answers, then you'll have a brief discussion. Try to move on to another of those four F.O.R.M choices: "I noticed your Roofer's Union jacket. I used to be in Local 633 out of Scranton, but that was years ago. How long have you been in the Roofer's Union?" Next, Recreation is an option. In fact, you may even want to start there: "Noticed your Packers jacket. They're doing great this year, aren't they? Almost had a chance to go to a home game."
At any point, your prospect may decide he wants to talk to you further on his own. After 5 minutes, he will feel like he knows you well enough to be more friendly. When discussing "F", "O" or "R", be sure to mention that you attend church but don't dwell on this, just move on in the conversation. But before you both part, segue into "M", the Message by using the 3 Diagnostic Questions.
Tip #4: Have a Tract in Your Pocket and Know How to Use It
Certain gospel tracts are especially designed to be used in face-to-face witnessing. Carry at least two of these. When you speak to your prospect, don't just leave him with your tract; interact with him, using the gospel tract to do it with. Ideally, give one to him and hold one in your hand. Go through the included verses with him point-by-point. Remember, you're the one relating to the person, not your piece of paper. The witnessing Christians is called "an epistle [letter] of Christ ... written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart." (II Cor. 3:3). Your prospect needs to hear you speaking God's words. Ask him questions, digress from the script a bit, and then get back "on point". Most importantly, practice using the tracts you'll carry in your pocket so that nothing in them is unfamiliar to you. If you express confidence in what you're saying your prospect will sense that.
Tip #5: "Point of Transcendence": How We Talk to People We Already Know
One way of breaking the ice with people you've known for a long time but have never tried to witness to is called Point of Transcendence. Something that is transcendent "transcends" or goes beyond the sense realm of this world and points to God. It could be anything really, since all creation points to God and "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork." (Psalm 19). It could be the beauty of nature that shows forth God's beauty; or the predictability of the seasons that show forth God's faithfulness, or peoples' sense of morality, of "right" and "wrong" that points to a moral Law-giver. St. Paul used a Point of Transcendence when he spoke to the Greeks of Athens (Acts 14:17; Acts 17:24).
Here's a simple example of how to use this:
Non-believer: "Isn't nature amazing?"
You: "Yes. It seems to show an intelligent design, doesn't it? How do you manage not to believe in a Creator when nature is so amazing?"
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