Part 3 of our 5-part series begins with the Church supreme in Europe, yet compromised by gross superstition, a defection from the doctrines of Christ, and an entrenched suspicion and hatred of the Jews. Christian armies march east to free Jerusalem's holy sites from the Muslims, but as they go, they mete out vengeance on the Jews, stirred on by the words of Guibert of Nogent, prominent preacher of his day: "We desire combat with the enemies of God in the East, but we have under our eyes the Jews, a race more inimical to God than all the others. We are doing this whole [Crusade] thing backwards." This series attempts to explain the reasons why the Jewish community has seen fit to reject the claims of Jesus as taught by the Church, but explains as well why some have not followed this path. Tune in and take notes! Your host, Rev. Rick Anderson on "Jewish Roots", an Internet pod-cast each Thursday at 9:30 pm EDT. Listen LIVE at To call with a comment or question: 347-324-5750.