WHO are the descendants of Abraham today, and why does it matter? Both Bible and Qu'ran make competing claims on this, and though it is mainly a RELIGIOUS question, it impacts American foreign policy, the conduct of Israelis towards their land, fundamentalist Islamic ambitions, and is fueling the substantial Muslim outrage towards towards Israel and the West. Within the evangelical wing of American Protestants, there is a two-fold division on this question. And this is not an "in-house" argument anymore just among Evangelicals debating points of doctrine and eschatology. Rather, it affects the way the Christian faith and the gospel is interpreted TODAY by Muslims, Jews, and the rest of the world. Tonight we'll talk about this. Your host: Rev. Rick Anderson on "Jewish Roots", Internet radio pod-cast, each Thursday at 9:30 PM at www.scripturesdramatized.com. To call in with question or comment: 347-324-5759.