By now, most of you have either seen or know about the eight or so undercover videos that were made at Planned Parenthood facilities months ago, or with employees of that corporation. Bottom line: the industry harvests body parts from living children, up to and including those about to be born, and then sells the parts. The current American president has just vetoed a bill that was passed by Congress and that would have denied most taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood. That means that your tax dollars are funding a monstrous American atrocity on the level of Nazi German-era crimes against humanity. So now ... what to do? Well, other than civil disobedience and getting yourself arrested, there's always prayer: not the perfunctory, brief prayers over meals and before Bible studies that so many church-goers are all-too familiar with, but the kind of prayer you may have prayed during the greatest personal crisis of your life. YOU know the kind I mean: the praying that interrupted your sleep, the praying that interrupted your meals and which made you stop what you were doing in the course of the day and beg God for rescue. And in that day He heard you. Remember? I'm asking you to treat this latest crisis in our country with the same importance that you gave to that personal crisis: when you bent yourself and inconvenienced yourself before the Lord, and in that day He delivered you wonderfully. Pray for national repentance, for the repentance of godless leaders, and for the repentance of church-goers who are "at ease in Zion" (Amos 6:1), and who ought to have known better.
Anyway, here's the news article:
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 8, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - President Barack Obama has vetoed a bill that would have denied most taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood.
The budget reconciliation bill, which also eliminated major parts of the Affordable Care Act and repealed the medical device tax, would have cost Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars.
While his veto comes as no surprise - no president has stood more squarely alongside this $1.3 billion industry as President Obama - pro-life leaders said it comes as an inflection point in the ongoing national debate over the proper dignity of human life.
Such a bill "would reverse the significant progress we have made in improving health care in America," President Obama wrote.
"This is a monumental moment for the pro-life movement," said Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance. For the first time, Congressional Republicans were able to put a bill on the president's desk denying public funds to Planned Parenthood after videos surfaced this summer showing its officials casually discussing the dismemberment of unborn children for profit.
“President Obama’s gall is stunning," said Rep. Diane Black, R-TN, after the veto.
"He spent this week discussing the need to ‘protect innocent people’ and ‘save more lives’ yet he callously vetoed a bill to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us from the heinous abuses of Planned Parenthood," she said, referring to the president's impassioned speech outlining his executive action on gun control. During that address, he shed a tear over the deaths of children.
Live Action founder Lila Rose found it ironic that "President Obama, against the will of the people and the Congress that they elected, is forcing every taxpaying American to subsidize the nation's biggest abortion chain – a corporation that single-handedly kills over 320,000 children every year by abortion, including children who are up to six months of development in the womb." "It's no surprise that in polls, voters have rated President Obama as the country’s worst president since World War II," she said.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, found it “no surprise that President Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history, vetoed a bill that would have redirected hundreds of millions of dollars away from a likely criminal organization and to true women’s health organizations, the fact that Congress figured out a way to redirect those funds away from Planned Parenthood without needing two-thirds of the Senate in the first place is historic."
"This veto – only one of eight bills that Obama has vetoed and the very first pro-life one - underscores the need for the nation to elect a pro-life president in 2016 who does the will of the people instead of pandering to a corrupt and deceitful organization that betrays women and sells them, and their preborn babies, out for the bottom line,” she said.The president's spokesman belittled the passage of the budget reconciliation bill, which took place after Obama signed the $1.1 trillion budget that fully funds Planned Parenthood.
Anyway, here's the news article:
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 8, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) - President Barack Obama has vetoed a bill that would have denied most taxpayer funds to Planned Parenthood.
The budget reconciliation bill, which also eliminated major parts of the Affordable Care Act and repealed the medical device tax, would have cost Planned Parenthood hundreds of millions of dollars.
While his veto comes as no surprise - no president has stood more squarely alongside this $1.3 billion industry as President Obama - pro-life leaders said it comes as an inflection point in the ongoing national debate over the proper dignity of human life.
Such a bill "would reverse the significant progress we have made in improving health care in America," President Obama wrote.
"This is a monumental moment for the pro-life movement," said Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance. For the first time, Congressional Republicans were able to put a bill on the president's desk denying public funds to Planned Parenthood after videos surfaced this summer showing its officials casually discussing the dismemberment of unborn children for profit.
“President Obama’s gall is stunning," said Rep. Diane Black, R-TN, after the veto.
"He spent this week discussing the need to ‘protect innocent people’ and ‘save more lives’ yet he callously vetoed a bill to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us from the heinous abuses of Planned Parenthood," she said, referring to the president's impassioned speech outlining his executive action on gun control. During that address, he shed a tear over the deaths of children.
Live Action founder Lila Rose found it ironic that "President Obama, against the will of the people and the Congress that they elected, is forcing every taxpaying American to subsidize the nation's biggest abortion chain – a corporation that single-handedly kills over 320,000 children every year by abortion, including children who are up to six months of development in the womb." "It's no surprise that in polls, voters have rated President Obama as the country’s worst president since World War II," she said.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, found it “no surprise that President Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history, vetoed a bill that would have redirected hundreds of millions of dollars away from a likely criminal organization and to true women’s health organizations, the fact that Congress figured out a way to redirect those funds away from Planned Parenthood without needing two-thirds of the Senate in the first place is historic."
"This veto – only one of eight bills that Obama has vetoed and the very first pro-life one - underscores the need for the nation to elect a pro-life president in 2016 who does the will of the people instead of pandering to a corrupt and deceitful organization that betrays women and sells them, and their preborn babies, out for the bottom line,” she said.The president's spokesman belittled the passage of the budget reconciliation bill, which took place after Obama signed the $1.1 trillion budget that fully funds Planned Parenthood.