Her name, for the purpose of this Internet radio interview, is Ms.Q. For converting from Islam to faith in Jesus 15 years ago, she remains anonymous in media interviews. She faithfully served as an aide to the most powerful family of a prominent Islamic nation. She joined the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) and fought the Israelis in 1975. She was a devout Muslim who's made four pilgrimages (the "hajj") to Mecca, and is therefore a "haji". She's memorized the entire Qur'an, and is therefore a "hafiza". Both are honorary titles in Islam. She's visited Mecca and Medina over 100 times, cities holy to the faith. A contract was issued on her life upon her conversion, but when her assassin approached her at her door and confronted her, he himself came to faith in Christ right then and there. Her views on the objectives of Islam are most definitely NOT "politically correct" and are at odds with what Americans are being taught. This Thursday at 9:30 PM, EDT at www.scripturesdramatized.com live Internet radio, she gives her testimony LIVE of how she came to faith in Christ.