CHAIM Ministry to the Jewish People is now reaching Philadelphia's Muslims as well as Jews. (And not a bit too soon.)
As you read the surprising PEW statistics below on Islam in America, keep in mind: CHAIM Ministry (www.chaim.org) is concerned with personal one-on-one evangelism, not political action by informed Christian citizens. Yet BOTH are needed when dealing with Islam in America. Almost any story you hear of Muslims converting to Christ involves the sharing of the gospel and the showing of Christian love. If one single issue speaks to Muslims most powerfully about the gospel, it's the love that Jesus showed to people by his actions 2000 years ago, and the way it's lived out in His people today. Sharing your faith with Muslims requires a certain restraint: they take matters of religion very seriously, and anything interpreted as an insult to their religion will lose you your audience. It's possible to speak positively about Christ and the Scriptures without speaking insultingly about Mohammad and the Qu'ran; that is, if your intent is personal evangelism. It's possible to have a heart for the individual while opposing, by the legislative options still available to Christians here.
What follows is a good article (a bit "dated" but still informative) from the conservative website "American Thinker". (Rick A.)
The Muslim Population of America is Expanding at Warp Speed
By Carol Brown
[article Courtesy of www.americanthinker.com ]
Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better. Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.
Not to be outdone by Europe's madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis. [Rev. Rick's note: "dhimmitude" is the slavery that the Qur'an requires of Christians and Jews living under a caliphate. The alternative is conversion or death. Carol Brown is using a play on words here, calling Americans "dhimmis" (i.e. "dummies"), willing slaves regarding Islam's true intentions here..]
Estimates on the number of Muslims living in the US vary, ranging from 3 million to 7 million. Whatever the precise number, it's already outdated as it rises with each passing nanosecond.Since 9/11, there has been a dramatic uptick in immigration from Islamic countries with a 66% increase in the past decade. And things are just warming up. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America.
Strange, is it not? War has been waged against America in the name of Islam and we've opened our doors ever-wider to those who adhere to the very ideology that mandates our destruction. Pew Research projects that by 2030, the Muslim population in the United States will more than double. In large part this will be attributable to immigration; to a lesser degree due to the size of Muslim families.
In his book Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam, Peter Hammond wrote a detailed analysis on the proportion of Muslims to the overall population and increased violence and adherence to Sharia law. Hammond's research reads like a roadmap to ruin; a horrifying picture of the future of civilization. To summarize an oft-quoted section:
When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% - 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that "Dar-es-Salaam" has been attained the Islamic "House of Peace".
Peace, of course, is never attained. Schisms among sects, starting with the rift between Shia and Sunni, erupt. The ideal of absolute power with divine authority always leads to internal conflict.
That the United States is ramping up Muslim immigration is sheer insanity. A crucial step to putting the brakes on this frenzied march to our demise is to close the door to Muslims, whether those from Islamic countries or anywhere else. Unfortunately, we're doing the exact opposite. In the last three years alone, 300,000 Muslims immigrated to the United States. And that's just the beginning. The Refugee Resettlement Program is paving the way for a mass of Muslims to flock to our shores. With the United Nations in charge of determining who qualifies for refugee status and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly the Organization of the Islamic Conference) as the power broker at the UN, you can count on a flood of Muslim refugees to be arriving at a town near you, if not your own town soon.
And as one might expect, Obama is on board with any and all avenues to bring Muslims to the United States. I guess it's part of his dream; our nightmare. Who can forget the lie he told back in 2009 when he said the United States was one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. Taqiyya? Stupidity? Slip of the tongue? Wishful thinking? Whatever the reason, it appears he is doing everything in his power to make that lie a reality.
Part of the process of flooding this country with Muslims from Islamic countries involves transplanting entire communities from places like Somalia. And just as we see in Europe, the new arrivals don't assimilate and they live off the public dole. For example, Family Security Matters reports that Somali immigrants have overwhelmed many small towns in America, creating their own enclaves. In some cases they've become the majority population, a population distinguished by being the least educated and most unemployed in the country, with evidence to show some have little motivation to become gainfully employed. In addition to Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, a new wave has started arriving from Syria. The State Department expects admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond. It is expected that 9,000 or more Syrian refugees will arrive this year with a plan to bring at least 75,000 over the next five years. And as refugees flow in, our tax dollars flow out as the American tax payer funds the Muslim invasion, because when refugees arrive they are linked with a broad array of publically-funded services (food stamps, subsidized housing, subsidized medical care, tutors, interpreters, and so on). In addition, charities (many of which are Christian or Jewish) that assist refugees receive federal grant money to provide additional support.
And where do these new immigrants from Islamic countries settle once they arrive? Well, just about everywhere and anywhere. The five states with the largest number of refugees are Texas, California, New York, Michigan, and Florida. But the situation is very dynamic and as numbers are updated, demographic shifts occur. There are also regions of the country that participate in what is called the Preferred Communities Program. The program considers small towns and rural areas to be most suited to refugees and immigrants because small communities are best able to offer the kinds of services this new class of imports need. Or so they claim. And so we've got Somali refugees flocking to Cheyenne, Wyoming, in order to get easy-to-come-by Section 8 housing vouchers they take to other states. Those states either pick up the tab, or bill Cheyenne. And Cheyenne is running out of money. Duh.
So much for the taqiyya on the Preferred Communities Program website waxing poetic about the contributions these immigrants make to our society: Refugees help communities learn and appreciate the many ways newcomers talents contribute to a richer, stronger society. Riiiiiiight! Maybe that was the case in another time in America. But not now in the age of multi-culturalism. Not with Muslim refugees with no skills, enormous needs, and a sense of entitlement. Oh, and for some, the desire to kill us. So why are all of these Muslim refugees coming here anyway? Why aren't they being taken in by Muslim majority countries? It would certainly make sense. After all, they're much closer geographically, language barriers would be reduced, and local values and traditions are closer. That Muslim majority countries have not opened their doors to these refugees is, I am confident, quite by design. This is about conquest. Otherwise known as Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration. Hijra works in concert with violent jihad to overwhelm a society until Islam becomes the single dominant force.
And while Muslim refugees swarm into the United States as part of this conquest, Obama has twisted the knife even further by (1) easing requirements for potential immigrants who have links to soft terror, and (2) closing the door to persecuted Christians in the Middle East who have precious few options of where to flee. (Obama is also making it exceedingly difficult for French Jews to immigrate to the United States.) Per Investor's Business Daily:
In another end-run around Congress, President Obama has unilaterally eased immigration requirements for foreigners linked to terrorism. (snip)By exempting five kinds of limited material support for terrorism, Obama instantly purges more than 4,000 suspects from the U.S. terror watch list and opens our borders up to both them and their families. (snip)
At the same time Obama opens the floodgates to them, he's closing our borders to Christians fleeing persecution by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq and other Mideast countries. Leave it to Obama to make a good situation bad. And then make a bad situation worse. He isn't satisfied until he's upped the ante so far imminent danger is at hand. So we're importing Muslims from Muslim majority countries who are traumatized, who don't speak English, who have few skills, who follow the teachings of the Koran, many of whom want to spread Sharia law, some of whom actively support terror, and/or others of whom are or will become terrorists, while we've abandoned Christians trapped in the Middle East as they are slaughtered en masse. To be blunt: We are importing Islamic terror. Not because every Muslim is a terrorist. But because enough of them are. And plenty more who don't commit acts of terror support it quietly at home or loudly in the street Below is a snapshot of where American Muslims stand on a variety of issues based on polls conducted over the past few years (see here, here, and here):
13% agree that some frequency of violence to defend Islam against civilians is justified.
19% are either favorable toward Al Qaeda or aren't sure.
40% support Sharia law and believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution.
46% believe Americans who mock or criticize Islam should face criminal charges.
12.5% in support of the death penalty for blasphemers.
Another 4.3% somewhat agreeing on the death sentence for those who insult Islam.
And 9% unsure if the death penalty should apply.
Mosques are proliferating across the landscape at breakneck speed, 80% of them preach jihad (through sermons and/or materials), and more than 95% of American Muslims attend such mosques.Many American Muslims send their children to Islamic schools where they are indoctrinated in hate. Many American Muslims have embraced Jew-hatred, as is written in the Koran.There are compounds across America where Muslims receive jihad training. Our prisons are breeding grounds for jihadists.The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every arm of our government as well as other major institutions. So all-in-all, there are a lot of Muslims in America who are on board with Islamic law/jihad. It doesn't matter if all of them are. Enough of them are. What are we doing?! We're carefully planning our suicide, that' s what.
As Michael Walsh wrote at PJ Media: "There is no assimilating invaders who wish to replace your society with theirs, whether they call themselves immigrants, refugees or asylum-seekers. When it comes to the soul of a country, there really can be only one. [Article courtesy of American Thinker]
As you read the surprising PEW statistics below on Islam in America, keep in mind: CHAIM Ministry (www.chaim.org) is concerned with personal one-on-one evangelism, not political action by informed Christian citizens. Yet BOTH are needed when dealing with Islam in America. Almost any story you hear of Muslims converting to Christ involves the sharing of the gospel and the showing of Christian love. If one single issue speaks to Muslims most powerfully about the gospel, it's the love that Jesus showed to people by his actions 2000 years ago, and the way it's lived out in His people today. Sharing your faith with Muslims requires a certain restraint: they take matters of religion very seriously, and anything interpreted as an insult to their religion will lose you your audience. It's possible to speak positively about Christ and the Scriptures without speaking insultingly about Mohammad and the Qu'ran; that is, if your intent is personal evangelism. It's possible to have a heart for the individual while opposing, by the legislative options still available to Christians here.
What follows is a good article (a bit "dated" but still informative) from the conservative website "American Thinker". (Rick A.)
The Muslim Population of America is Expanding at Warp Speed
By Carol Brown
[article Courtesy of www.americanthinker.com ]
Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better. Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.
Not to be outdone by Europe's madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis. [Rev. Rick's note: "dhimmitude" is the slavery that the Qur'an requires of Christians and Jews living under a caliphate. The alternative is conversion or death. Carol Brown is using a play on words here, calling Americans "dhimmis" (i.e. "dummies"), willing slaves regarding Islam's true intentions here..]
Estimates on the number of Muslims living in the US vary, ranging from 3 million to 7 million. Whatever the precise number, it's already outdated as it rises with each passing nanosecond.Since 9/11, there has been a dramatic uptick in immigration from Islamic countries with a 66% increase in the past decade. And things are just warming up. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America.
Strange, is it not? War has been waged against America in the name of Islam and we've opened our doors ever-wider to those who adhere to the very ideology that mandates our destruction. Pew Research projects that by 2030, the Muslim population in the United States will more than double. In large part this will be attributable to immigration; to a lesser degree due to the size of Muslim families.
In his book Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam, Peter Hammond wrote a detailed analysis on the proportion of Muslims to the overall population and increased violence and adherence to Sharia law. Hammond's research reads like a roadmap to ruin; a horrifying picture of the future of civilization. To summarize an oft-quoted section:
When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% - 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that "Dar-es-Salaam" has been attained the Islamic "House of Peace".
Peace, of course, is never attained. Schisms among sects, starting with the rift between Shia and Sunni, erupt. The ideal of absolute power with divine authority always leads to internal conflict.
That the United States is ramping up Muslim immigration is sheer insanity. A crucial step to putting the brakes on this frenzied march to our demise is to close the door to Muslims, whether those from Islamic countries or anywhere else. Unfortunately, we're doing the exact opposite. In the last three years alone, 300,000 Muslims immigrated to the United States. And that's just the beginning. The Refugee Resettlement Program is paving the way for a mass of Muslims to flock to our shores. With the United Nations in charge of determining who qualifies for refugee status and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly the Organization of the Islamic Conference) as the power broker at the UN, you can count on a flood of Muslim refugees to be arriving at a town near you, if not your own town soon.
And as one might expect, Obama is on board with any and all avenues to bring Muslims to the United States. I guess it's part of his dream; our nightmare. Who can forget the lie he told back in 2009 when he said the United States was one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. Taqiyya? Stupidity? Slip of the tongue? Wishful thinking? Whatever the reason, it appears he is doing everything in his power to make that lie a reality.
Part of the process of flooding this country with Muslims from Islamic countries involves transplanting entire communities from places like Somalia. And just as we see in Europe, the new arrivals don't assimilate and they live off the public dole. For example, Family Security Matters reports that Somali immigrants have overwhelmed many small towns in America, creating their own enclaves. In some cases they've become the majority population, a population distinguished by being the least educated and most unemployed in the country, with evidence to show some have little motivation to become gainfully employed. In addition to Muslims from Somalia, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, a new wave has started arriving from Syria. The State Department expects admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond. It is expected that 9,000 or more Syrian refugees will arrive this year with a plan to bring at least 75,000 over the next five years. And as refugees flow in, our tax dollars flow out as the American tax payer funds the Muslim invasion, because when refugees arrive they are linked with a broad array of publically-funded services (food stamps, subsidized housing, subsidized medical care, tutors, interpreters, and so on). In addition, charities (many of which are Christian or Jewish) that assist refugees receive federal grant money to provide additional support.
And where do these new immigrants from Islamic countries settle once they arrive? Well, just about everywhere and anywhere. The five states with the largest number of refugees are Texas, California, New York, Michigan, and Florida. But the situation is very dynamic and as numbers are updated, demographic shifts occur. There are also regions of the country that participate in what is called the Preferred Communities Program. The program considers small towns and rural areas to be most suited to refugees and immigrants because small communities are best able to offer the kinds of services this new class of imports need. Or so they claim. And so we've got Somali refugees flocking to Cheyenne, Wyoming, in order to get easy-to-come-by Section 8 housing vouchers they take to other states. Those states either pick up the tab, or bill Cheyenne. And Cheyenne is running out of money. Duh.
So much for the taqiyya on the Preferred Communities Program website waxing poetic about the contributions these immigrants make to our society: Refugees help communities learn and appreciate the many ways newcomers talents contribute to a richer, stronger society. Riiiiiiight! Maybe that was the case in another time in America. But not now in the age of multi-culturalism. Not with Muslim refugees with no skills, enormous needs, and a sense of entitlement. Oh, and for some, the desire to kill us. So why are all of these Muslim refugees coming here anyway? Why aren't they being taken in by Muslim majority countries? It would certainly make sense. After all, they're much closer geographically, language barriers would be reduced, and local values and traditions are closer. That Muslim majority countries have not opened their doors to these refugees is, I am confident, quite by design. This is about conquest. Otherwise known as Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration. Hijra works in concert with violent jihad to overwhelm a society until Islam becomes the single dominant force.
And while Muslim refugees swarm into the United States as part of this conquest, Obama has twisted the knife even further by (1) easing requirements for potential immigrants who have links to soft terror, and (2) closing the door to persecuted Christians in the Middle East who have precious few options of where to flee. (Obama is also making it exceedingly difficult for French Jews to immigrate to the United States.) Per Investor's Business Daily:
In another end-run around Congress, President Obama has unilaterally eased immigration requirements for foreigners linked to terrorism. (snip)By exempting five kinds of limited material support for terrorism, Obama instantly purges more than 4,000 suspects from the U.S. terror watch list and opens our borders up to both them and their families. (snip)
At the same time Obama opens the floodgates to them, he's closing our borders to Christians fleeing persecution by Muslims in Egypt, Iraq and other Mideast countries. Leave it to Obama to make a good situation bad. And then make a bad situation worse. He isn't satisfied until he's upped the ante so far imminent danger is at hand. So we're importing Muslims from Muslim majority countries who are traumatized, who don't speak English, who have few skills, who follow the teachings of the Koran, many of whom want to spread Sharia law, some of whom actively support terror, and/or others of whom are or will become terrorists, while we've abandoned Christians trapped in the Middle East as they are slaughtered en masse. To be blunt: We are importing Islamic terror. Not because every Muslim is a terrorist. But because enough of them are. And plenty more who don't commit acts of terror support it quietly at home or loudly in the street Below is a snapshot of where American Muslims stand on a variety of issues based on polls conducted over the past few years (see here, here, and here):
13% agree that some frequency of violence to defend Islam against civilians is justified.
19% are either favorable toward Al Qaeda or aren't sure.
40% support Sharia law and believe they should not be judged by U.S. law and the Constitution.
46% believe Americans who mock or criticize Islam should face criminal charges.
12.5% in support of the death penalty for blasphemers.
Another 4.3% somewhat agreeing on the death sentence for those who insult Islam.
And 9% unsure if the death penalty should apply.
Mosques are proliferating across the landscape at breakneck speed, 80% of them preach jihad (through sermons and/or materials), and more than 95% of American Muslims attend such mosques.Many American Muslims send their children to Islamic schools where they are indoctrinated in hate. Many American Muslims have embraced Jew-hatred, as is written in the Koran.There are compounds across America where Muslims receive jihad training. Our prisons are breeding grounds for jihadists.The Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated every arm of our government as well as other major institutions. So all-in-all, there are a lot of Muslims in America who are on board with Islamic law/jihad. It doesn't matter if all of them are. Enough of them are. What are we doing?! We're carefully planning our suicide, that' s what.
As Michael Walsh wrote at PJ Media: "There is no assimilating invaders who wish to replace your society with theirs, whether they call themselves immigrants, refugees or asylum-seekers. When it comes to the soul of a country, there really can be only one. [Article courtesy of American Thinker]