Okay, say you're a born - again Christian, right? You have a Jewish friend or relative that you've been wanting to share the gospel with for some time, but you are not quite sure how to " break the ice ". Because, after all, you have known that person for awhile and you want to be sensitive, yet truthful. To the Jews, the Gospel means " something for others ", a belief system that's fine for gentiles, but absolutely taboo for them. For them, to believe that Jesus is the Savior or Messiah, is to destroy themselves as Jews, to deny one's heritage, to spit upon the memory of martyred ancestors who died for their right to believe differently. Chances are your Jewish friend is happy for you that you are a Christian. However, what he doesn't want is for you to try and make him one. Are there ways to share the Gospel effectively with your Jewish friend? This Thursday Night ( August 29th) @ 9:30 - 10:30 PM let a Jewish believer in Jesus explain how on the debut of " Jewish Roots " with host Pastor Rick Anderson. Listen " LIVE " and crystal clear on the World Wide Web @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/fougcrew. You can also get the blog @ twitter, linkedin, googleplus, and facebook.com/fougcrew. Remember you can listen " LIVE " and interact on the phone by dialing 347-324-5759. Tune in to " Jewish Roots " on Thursday Night @ 9:30 - 10:30 PM and join host Pastor Rick Anderson - " BROADCASTING LIVE " on the Foug Crew Internet Christian Radio Network - Truth Radio!