Here's the scene: St. Paul is being "bad-mouthed" by his own church: the very church he had started. True, not everyone talked bad about him, but a few ring-leaders did, and they were affecting the opinions of others in the church at Corinth, a city in Greece 2000 years ago. They were saying he was a fake apostle.So Paul defends his ministry, but he has to do it by letter because he's far away. So he reasons with the Corinthians from the time when he was with them in person, and writes "Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you." Now here's the question: "What IS an apostle actually, and are there any more today?" Certain charismatic/pentecostal churches are called "apostolic", meaning they believe the office of apostle continues. (And if you show up Sunday, you get to hear her preach. Or sometimes him.) On the other end of the spectrum, the popes in Rome also claim they are apostles. So who's right, and how can you know? Tune in and take notes! Your host: Rev. Rick Anderson, on "Jewish Roots" each Thursday, 9:30-10:30 pm, EST. Listen live through Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus and Facebook/com/fougcrew. To call with question or comment: 347-324-5759.To access our website for archived (past) shows: www.scripturesdramatized.com