[Featured: members of Iran's Council of Guardians, responsible for enforcing Sharia Law .]
The Apostles of Islam/The Apostles of Christ
Muslim militants and terrorists threatening violence against the US are not the only threat from Islam. A "slow-burning fuse" is the deceptive way Islam ITSELF has been "sold" to Americans by the intellectuals and elites of Academia.
Most US Muslims are peaceful and tolerant of others DESPITE the teachings of Islam, not BECAUSE of them.
Typical of this are imams in local mosques and Muslim scholars in America's universities who insist that though the "crazies" overseas are doing evil things, the basic religion itself is peaceful and tolerant. Nonsense. The faith of the Qu'ran has never been so. Though there have been historical lapses of violence in the past, the history of Islam is the history of violent and coercive spreading of this faith.
The next time someone tells you that Christianity and Islam use the same methods and have the same violent history, point them to the lives and deaths of the Christian apostles. All but one: John of Patmos, died the death of a martyr. And most importantly to this comparison, they did not take the lives of others. Compare that with the lives and deaths of the apostles of Islam. Though cruel excesses were certainly done by false followers of Jesus, the apostles gave examples of how to live and teach peaceably in this world.. And "The servant is not greater than the master." (Jn. 15:20) If the masters gave an example, then their followers can be expected to do the same.
The same holds true with the apostles of Islam, but in the reverse direction. Now to some specifics .
1) Mohammad dies in 632, leaving no plan to succeed him. Among his lieutenants and their followers, three civil wars fought are fought.
2) Abu-Bakr, Mohammad's father-in-law was the first caliph. He killed or forcibly eliminated all rivals.
3) Omar (also known as Oman) killed Abu-Bakr in 634 (a rival Abu-Bakr forgot to kill).
Omar reigns for 10 years; and kills or forcibly eliminates all of his rivals.
4) A rival Omar forgot about cuts his throat in 644. As Omar dies, he appoints Ufman as caliph. Ufman reigns for 21 years. With help from uncles and aunts, Ufman kills or forcibly eliminates all of his rivals.
5) Ufman is beheaded by Aisha, wife of Mohammad in 655 with the help of Aisha's lover Ali, as well as Zuber, a Muslim general. (As a side note, the 53 year-old Mohammad married Aisha when she was 7 years old, then consummated the marriage when she was 9, according to both the Hadith and authoritative Muslim tradition.) The Hadith is the companion commentary to the Qu'ran. The Muslim explanation for this? She was very precocious, so it was lawful.)
6) After General Zuber kills Ufman, he himself is executed 3 days later.
7) Aisha then has her lover Ali executed in 661 because he was sleeping with a young concubine.
All this, of course, can be substantiated by either the Qu'ran, the Hadith, or authoritative Muslim tradition, just as the lives and deaths of the Christian apostles can be substantiated by the writings of the post-Apostolic Fathers of the Church.
"And the angel of the Lord said to her: 'Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. And you shall call his name Ishmael. He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man; And every man's hand against him." (Genesis 16:12)
The next time someone tells you that Christianity and Islam have used the same methods and have the same violent history, you'll know what to say.
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The Apostles of Islam/The Apostles of Christ
Muslim militants and terrorists threatening violence against the US are not the only threat from Islam. A "slow-burning fuse" is the deceptive way Islam ITSELF has been "sold" to Americans by the intellectuals and elites of Academia.
Most US Muslims are peaceful and tolerant of others DESPITE the teachings of Islam, not BECAUSE of them.
Typical of this are imams in local mosques and Muslim scholars in America's universities who insist that though the "crazies" overseas are doing evil things, the basic religion itself is peaceful and tolerant. Nonsense. The faith of the Qu'ran has never been so. Though there have been historical lapses of violence in the past, the history of Islam is the history of violent and coercive spreading of this faith.
The next time someone tells you that Christianity and Islam use the same methods and have the same violent history, point them to the lives and deaths of the Christian apostles. All but one: John of Patmos, died the death of a martyr. And most importantly to this comparison, they did not take the lives of others. Compare that with the lives and deaths of the apostles of Islam. Though cruel excesses were certainly done by false followers of Jesus, the apostles gave examples of how to live and teach peaceably in this world.. And "The servant is not greater than the master." (Jn. 15:20) If the masters gave an example, then their followers can be expected to do the same.
The same holds true with the apostles of Islam, but in the reverse direction. Now to some specifics .
1) Mohammad dies in 632, leaving no plan to succeed him. Among his lieutenants and their followers, three civil wars fought are fought.
2) Abu-Bakr, Mohammad's father-in-law was the first caliph. He killed or forcibly eliminated all rivals.
3) Omar (also known as Oman) killed Abu-Bakr in 634 (a rival Abu-Bakr forgot to kill).
Omar reigns for 10 years; and kills or forcibly eliminates all of his rivals.
4) A rival Omar forgot about cuts his throat in 644. As Omar dies, he appoints Ufman as caliph. Ufman reigns for 21 years. With help from uncles and aunts, Ufman kills or forcibly eliminates all of his rivals.
5) Ufman is beheaded by Aisha, wife of Mohammad in 655 with the help of Aisha's lover Ali, as well as Zuber, a Muslim general. (As a side note, the 53 year-old Mohammad married Aisha when she was 7 years old, then consummated the marriage when she was 9, according to both the Hadith and authoritative Muslim tradition.) The Hadith is the companion commentary to the Qu'ran. The Muslim explanation for this? She was very precocious, so it was lawful.)
6) After General Zuber kills Ufman, he himself is executed 3 days later.
7) Aisha then has her lover Ali executed in 661 because he was sleeping with a young concubine.
All this, of course, can be substantiated by either the Qu'ran, the Hadith, or authoritative Muslim tradition, just as the lives and deaths of the Christian apostles can be substantiated by the writings of the post-Apostolic Fathers of the Church.
"And the angel of the Lord said to her: 'Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. And you shall call his name Ishmael. He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man; And every man's hand against him." (Genesis 16:12)
The next time someone tells you that Christianity and Islam have used the same methods and have the same violent history, you'll know what to say.
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