Quite a few synagogues today have a replica of the Ten Commandments prominently featured, mounted just about where you'd see a Cross if you were in a Church instead. One problem a lot of Jews have with Christianity is that they think Christians have thrown out the Law and the Ten Commandments because they now believe in Jesus. Problem is, a lot of churches actually HAVE. Then again a lot of synagogues have too, because despite their prominent display of the Decalogue, they treat it as a relic of history; as witnessed by the new head of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, (i.e. Reform Judaism), who is an openly homosexual woman. Their prayer book is also being changed to accommodate gay marriage. Leviticus 18:22 says: "A man shall not lie with a man as with a woman; It is an abomination." But most Orthodox Jews (and they are a minority), still take the Law seriously; and they think Evangelical Christians (and the other branches of Judaism) do NOT. So what place should the Law hold in the lives of New Testament Christians? St. Paul (formerly Rabbi Saul of Tarsus), a Pharisee, was an expert in knowing about this Law, and he explains its use in Romans chapter 2. Tune in and take note! Your host, Rev. Rick Anderson on "Jewish Roots", each Thursday at 9:30 pm, EDT. Listen through www.blogtalkradio.com/fougcrew, or www.scripturesdramatized.com To call with a question or comment: 347-324-5759.