["On Demand" show. Pre-recorded. Do not call in.] You think you know about John the Baptist? Think again. After 2000 years, he's still one of the most mysterious and confusing personalities in Scripture. On the one hand, he's called by Christ the greatest prophet, and the greatest MAN "born of women" who ever lived. Yet there are prophets in Scripture who have whole BOOKS written about them, with their names in the titles, while John has NOTHING. At the same time, Christ called him less than the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. How does THAT make sense? Isn't John in the Kingdom HIMSELF? One the one hand, Christ says John is actually Elijah the Prophet. On the other hand, John DENIED he was Elijah the Prophet? Is the Bible full of contradictions? What's going ON here? Tune in and take notes! Your host, Rev. Rick Anderson, on "Jewish Roots", each Thursday at 9:30 pm, EST, at www.scripturesdramatized.com